Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Getting ready for Students!

We have so much to do!!!

Thank goodness for Google Drive keeping us organized.  We have created shared folders among our team and now that I think about it, I should just make a Team Drive, duh!  Adding that to the never ending to do list...  Here is what else we are trying to tackle before opening day!

Tutorials - create easy to follow how to guides to store in sharable google drive folder

Inventory deliveries - what do we have?  what are we waiting on?  what do we still need?

Safety -  post PDFs near big safety concern devices; what equipment do we need?  goggles? gloves? first aid kit?

Orientation - all teachers and students come down for a quick show

Promotion - snapchat, insta, twitter, fb, school website, announcements, posters in halls

Tracking who is where, why, and all of that. - Google Forms for check in and check out

Resources - what is going fast?  what is being used most often?  how can we improve?  do we need duplicates of some tools?  monitor, react, monitor, react = improve!

Here is an example of a how to that I found for metal stamping from PJ Tool Jewelry

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