Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Decisions, Decisions

Our team has been working hard!  We meet weekly and try to make the most out of those together minutes by keeping close communication during the week with shared google drive folders and gmail.  We have so many decisions to make and not much time to make them in.  Above are some images that give you a sampling of what we discuss when we come together.  We never seem to get through it all and feel the time crunch big time!  Throughout this process we keep coming back to our common goals and use the design thinking process to get us through tough spots.  We absolutely cannot wait to see what this new space offers to our learning community!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Marketing and Branding Our Space

We are so happy with how our promo viddy turned out!  Two awesome students and one incredible teacher from the drama department were willing to get creative while staying on script and making this masterpiece.  We spread the video through Twitter, Snapchat, and emailed it out to all staff to share with their students.  

We then pushed out a google form to collect ideas for a space name, a hashtag, and a logo.  We didn't get as much as a response as we thought we might.  Perhaps our timing is off (Thanksgiving week and conferences), teachers don't care (which makes me very sad), or students don't care (more sadness).  Anyway, we did get some responses.  Here they are - 

Stay tuned to see which ideas we narrow it down to and then we'll have the students and staff vote!  You may think, why don't you just pick your favorite?  Why leave it up to the students and staff?  The reason is we want this space to belong to everyone.  It's not ours.  Yes, we are doing a lot of work to make it happen, but it's not for us, it's for all!  

Monday, November 13, 2017

Modifications, Iterate, Repeat

Each week our makerpace team meets over lunch. We have a rolling agenda that is shared and editable by our team. Right now we are focused on ordering materials which entails a line by line review of our original ask. We are making sure we are spending these dollars in the best ways that we can. We are putting some funds aside to order more materials if necessary. We have made some changes on brands after getting feedback from professionals in the field who've been where we are. Several schools we talked to have made the switch from Makerbot to MakerGear.    We are super lucky to have MakerGear right down the road.  The company is located in Beachwood which is right on the other side of town.  We made the decision to purchase one 3d printer along with a two year warranty.  The company was great and provided us a quote with a discount on filament.  We also had to adjust our carving/engraving purchases.  The Glowforge was high on our list and still is.  It is an incredible tool.  However, it's on backorder and we won't be able to get it in until next school year.  We decided as a team that we would put Glowforge aside for now and move forward with a Carvey.  We were impressed by what it could do at many of the other makerspaces we visited.  We feel the carving/engraving is a must as it will produce many products that we can create to sell at our Ranger Shop.  One of our main goals of the space is to promote community and school spirit!  The whole purchasing process is completely intriguing.  First, we need an official quote.  We need to purchase from partners that offer purchase orders as an option for payment.  We need to submit to our bookroom.  Then they submit to our finance people.  Then the invoice is generated, a purchase order is put up, the money comes out, and the order moves through.  It is not like the amazon ordering I'm used to.  Click, click, wait two days, and open box!  Not the case at all when ordering school materials.  This is all the better though because I am learning that my passion and excitement are leading to impulsiveness and impatience.  I need many reminders to slow down, think, reevaluate, and then talk with my team.  It's an incredible learning process which I am excited to share with the students.   Here are some of our purchases!

So, not only are we working on spending our money wisely, we are also trying to promote our incredible space.  It's hard to promote something that isn't there yet though.  We are calling in the kids for help on this one.  We are asking our drama teacher to rally up some kids with energy and a willingness to get really cheesy!  They will create a video to be shown in all classrooms and on the monitors in community spaces like the library, cafeteria, and hallways.  Here are some of the statements they will use to promote the space -
  • You can hem your pants.  
  • Dresscode problems?  Go to the Makerspace and fix that hole in your pants!
  • Need a case for your cell phone?  Design and print one!
  • School project blues got you down?  Makerspace that!
  • Ever wanted to learn how to code?  Or design a video game?
  • Did you forget your BFF’s bday?  Hurry, go make them a light up card and a friendship bracelet!
  • Check out some robots!
  • 3d print anything!
  • It’s in the LRC.
  • Hang out.  Free time.  Remember the L Room?
  • You don’t have to be super quiet.
  • Carve or engrave a gift for your fav teacher!
  • Did the travel bug bite you?  Take a trip anywhere on earth with our virtual reality goggles!
  • Wanna create a video/podcast?
  • Need to charge your phone?  Oh yeah, we’ve got that covered.  You can even use solar power!
  • Help us name our new creative space! The winner gets an exclusive preparty with ten friends!!!
  • Ask Mrs. Chanter, Mrs. Spurlock, Mr. Petto, Mrs. Storey, or Mr. Kozar all about it!
  • A cool space that revolves around learning!
  • craft your heart out!
  • like legos or knex or coloring or just creating?  Come on down!
  • Look for snapcodes in the hall to submit your idea to name our space!
After the video is shown, we will open up the voting via Google Forms.  We are hoping to have a name soon!  Stay tuned!

Makerspace Progress

We are moving right along!  I am fortunate to work with an amazing team of educators on this project.  Our main group is made up of myself and my teaching partner, two classroom teachers, and our lead media specialist.  We are so incredibly lucky to have support from our principal as well.  We are getting a bit nervous about timelines and trying to firm up dates.  Here is what we have so far.


Monday January 15 Open to students and staff
Sunday January 14 Grand opening - ribbon ceremony and tours
Friday January 12 Exclusive PreParty!
Wednesday January 10 Final Make the Makerspace event periods 4-7
Tuesday January 9 Team meeting @11am
Wednesday December 20 Second Make the Makerspace event periods 4-7
Tuesday December 19 Team meeting @11am
Tuesday December 12 Team meeting @11am
Tuesday December 5 Team meeting @11am
Tuesday November 28 First Make the Makerspace event periods 4-7
Tuesday November 28 Team meeting @11am
Tuesday November 21 Team meeting @11am - space name chosen!
Wednesday November 15 Initial orders need to be placed
Tuesday November 14 Team meeting @11am

Our Make the Makerspace events will be student centered. We want students to feel like this is their space. We want them to help unpack, assemble, and set up the space. We feel this will help with promotion as well. We will lure them in with the promise of food and the option to get out of their study halls. We want students to help with signage, tutorials, and anything else that might need prepped. We are so excited and want the kids to help spread that excitement!

Maker Faire Detroit 2019

Making is just so much.  If you haven't experienced it in awhile, I highly encourage you to get back at it.  I know you've don...